Date of research/update: 2007-09-20

1910 census - Mollie Young

1910 U.S. census, El Paso County, Colorado, Colorado Springs ward 3, E.D. 22, sheets 2A and 2B (stamped 57 front and back), dwelling 33, family 34 (Mollie Young); National Archives microfilm T624, roll 118. - 1910 United States Federal Census (paid subscription)
Note: Images may also be available at HeritageQuest Online through your local library's subscription.
See approximate location on map.
14th April 1910. 404 Main St.
  • Young Mollie, Head, F[emale], W[hite], 42, M[arried], 20 [years married], 2 [children born], 2 [children living], Texas, U.S., Tennessee, English, none, yes [read], yes [write], O[wn], F[ree], H[ouse]
  • --- Lee, daughter, F, W, 20, S[ingle], Colorado, Kansas, Texas, English, Laundress, Laundry, W[orker], no [out of work], 0 [weeks out of work], yes [read], yes [write], no [school]
  • Young Nancy, daughter, F, W, 18, S,Colorado, Kansas, Texas, English, book keeper, Machine firm, W, no, 0, yes, yes, no